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Terryn Williams

Terryn Williams Headshot Photo

Terryn Williams is from Kansas City, Kansas. She started dancing at the age of 3 and then danced competitively at the age of 7. She was on the dance team at Piper High School and was also in studio dance as well. Terryn danced at Dance Expressions for 3 years, where she gained the "best of friends and dance training ever!"


Dance has been in her life for quite some time now and is glad to be able to teach dance to younger and older students. She has been trained in jazz, hip hop, tap, ballet, pointe, contemporary, lyrical, modern, etc. In 2021, Terryn graduated from Midland University in Nebraska with a bachelor's degree in Business Management. She was also on a dance scholarship and was on the dance team for 4 years. She grew as a dancer so much within those 4 years and became the best years of her life! After graduation, Terryn decided to live in Omaha and loved every single part of living on her own. "It feels so good to be back in Kansas City! I am super excited to be back with my DE Family and can’t wait to teach amazing dancers."

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